Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Why We Are Following the Lines

It all started one day when I was telling Jackie that I'd like to visit every MTR station in Hong Kong.

For those of you who don't call the Fragrant Harbour your home, the MTR is Hong Kong's fairly well-connected and efficient metro system. While I actually dislike it for commuting purposes (who really likes to be crammed into a tin box next to hundreds of groggy strangers every morning), I have to admit that it makes exploring the far reaches much easier.

Anyway, I had been telling Jackie that I really wanted to get to know Hong Kong better. Of course, I have lived here for years and I like exploring, but there are still places my feet have never trod. That is how I decided I wanted to visit every MTR station. And not just the station, because how interesting is an MTR station anyway? No, I wanted to walk around the district of each station, to taste the atmosphere, sample the milk tea, dodge the traffic.

I don't really remember the evolution of that conversation except that, by the end of it, Jackie was on board, and my idea had morphed into this new, more creatively-driven project.

Instead of just exploration, this project will push us to develop our artistic skills. Practice makes better, right? Right? At least I hope so.

The idea is that we will visit the area of every MTR station, walk around, and soak it in. Jackie will sketch something, and I will write something. While we may use the same subjects, most pieces will probably be on different things, especially since we won't be able to work together most of the time (let's hear it for busy city life). When we find the time, we'll just wander the streets and choose whatever snags our imagination.

We're starting with the Blue Line, spine of Hong Kong Island. Since I live here, and both of us spend extensive amounts of time here, it seems natural to start by chasing the blue.

So if you feel like seeing Hong Kong through our eyes (and pens), join us as we Follow the Lines.

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